Personal Injury Lawyers

Fatal Accident Claims – How Do They Work?

We all know that our roads can be dangerous places and there is always the risk car accidents, bicycle accidents or motor cycle accidents. Even pedestrians can be seriously injured by other road users. Unfortunately, some of those accidents prove … Continued

What If I Have Received An Offer from ICWA?

Received an offer from the Insurance Commission of Western Australia? If you have received an offer of settlement it is important to obtain independent advice to determine if the offer is reasonable or not. Remember ICWA cannot provide you with … Continued

Bicycle Injury Accidents – Advice on Compensation & Claims

Being involved in a bicycle accident can be a traumatic and difficult experience, but in some circumstances the ability to make a claim for compensation will help you to get the treatment and time off work you need without being … Continued

Important Things Your Personal Injury Lawyer Needs To Know About Your Claim

Personal injury claims and lawsuits can be extremely complex, from providing fault to assessing damages. For this reason, people who have been injured in an accident hire a personal injury lawyer for help with their claim. The settlement you receive … Continued

Tips for Getting the Best Settlement for Your Injury Claim

When you are in the process of seeking compensation for the injuries you have suffered following an accident you are in a negotiation process with the insurance company.  Car accident settlement agreements will CLOSE YOUR INJURY COMPENSATION CLAIM.  Once you … Continued

Thermomix Burns Victims and Getting Advice

Several stories have now surfaced in the media about Australians being badly burnt when using their Thermomix appliances.  Some victims say they were using their Thermomix according to a Thermomix recipe when the lid burst open spraying hot food over the … Continued

How Do They Decide If My Injuries Are Caused By The Accident?

This decision illustrates a familiar problem faced by claimants, lawyers and doctors: if a patient suffers an injury, and later presents with ongoing problems and symptoms in the same body part, are those ongoing problems related to the accident and … Continued

Why Can’t I Deal With The Insurance Commission of Western Australia Myself?

A lot of people ask us: “why can’t I just deal with the Insurance Commission myself?” This is a sensible question to ask. Most people have made some sort of an insurance claims before – for lost or stolen items, … Continued

Quantum Settlement Offers | The Motor Vehicle Injury Lawyers

There are 2 common types of offers. One in relation to fault for the accident which is known as a liability offer and the other regarding a monetary sum for settlement which is known as a quantum settlement offer. In … Continued

‘Tis The Season (For Double Demerits)

As most road users in Perth know, double demerit points apply over holiday periods. The double demerit system means that the penalties for committing some driving offences are doubled over a given number of days. In Western Australia, the offences … Continued